Thursday 22 May 2014


Today, SATRO's devoted associate, Peter, attended Tillingbourne Junior School in Chilworth. He was joined by 3 of our ever faithful volunteers. At the school, they were met by 120 year 4 & 5 pupils who participated in two of our Discovery Science Workshops. Year 4 faced our K'Nex Structures Challenge in which they had to build and create towers using K’nex and their engineering knowledge in a time limit of 50 minutes. Meanwhile, Year 5 pulled out their deerstalker hats when they became Circuit Detectives for the day. This workshop requires the children to inspect various circuits and find the faults. They consolidated new knowledge in a fun way whilst building on team-working skills. The two workshops, designed to inspire young people about the fun of science and encourage them to continue their science-related studies into secondary school and beyond, were well received by both pupils and teachers.

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